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The Best Cute Names for Sheep

Choosing the perfect name for your fluffy friend can be challenging, but have no fear. Today, our Rock Springs vets provide ewe (and ram) with some baa-rilliant suggestions. From famous sheep in history, to just plain silly, here are a few of our favorite sheep names. 

Picking a Sheep's Name Can be Shear Delight

Do you have a new wooly friend that needs a name? Choosing a great sheep name can be difficult. Where do you even start? How about right here? Let's start with some famous sheep from history to inspire you, followed by some fun and cute names to think about.

Famous Wool Babies 

Fiona the World's Loneliest Sheep - At first glance, Fiona's solitude may sound sad; after all, sheep are very social creatures. But having been trapped all alone for more than two years at the bottom of a cliff in Scotland, we think that Fiona showed both strength of character and resilience in the way she not only survived, but thrived. Way to go Fiona!

Dolly - Named after country singer Dolly Parton, Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal created from an adult cell. The announcement of Dolly's birth to the press on 22 February 1997 caused enormous excitement with the press and scientific communities worldwide. Dolly is arguably the most famous sheep who has ever lived.

Shaun the Sheep - Possibly the only sheep with enough notoriety to challenge Dolly's fame is T.V. and movie legend Shaun. He is a cheeky and mischievous sheep who spends his time playing pranks on Farmer X and guide dog Bitzer at Mossy Bottom farm. With two movies and countless television episodes under his fleece, Shaun is ready to keep the world laughing.

Shrek, New Zealand's Wooly Champion of Hide and Seek - Shrek became a media sensation in 2004 after evading shearing for six years! The shearing of Shrek, when it finally took place, was such a big deal that it was broadcast on New Zealand national television. His fleece weighed sixty pounds and contained enough wool to make about 20 large men's suits!

Montauciel the Great Aviation Pioneer - In 18th-century France, hot air balloons were a new and terrifying invention. To test the safety of these amazing flying machines, inventors Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier sent farm animals up into the air. Montauciel the sheep, whose name means “climb-to-the-sky”, was used as a guinea pig for one of the balloon’s earliest voyages over Paris. NOTE: No animals were harmed in the testing of these early flights. All creatures returned home safely, if bemused by the experience.

Names That Refer to Sheep-Related Things, Visual Characteristics & Events

Often, naming a sheep is easiest if you can name them after something, such as how they look, what they acted like or when they were born. Perhaps one of these names will suit your fluff friend:

  • Jumper
  • Spring
  • Cupcake
  • Marshmallow
  • Starbright
  • Shadow
  • Shear Luck
  • Celest
  • Clover
  • Cloudy
  • Joy
  • Sweater Weather
  • Fluffy
  • Stormy
  • Wooly
  • Marshmallow
  • Solstice
  • Smudge
  • Rocky
  • Snowball
  • Happy
  • Sunshine

Cute Names for Ewes

Sometimes, just looking into the adorable face of your ewe or lamb whilst rhyming off a few names can help you find the perfect fit for your wooly wonder. How about:

  • Pearl
  • Joleen
  • Cleopatra
  • Ewe-nice
  • Alexi
  • Rebecca
  • Fifi
  • Allison
  • Sabrina
  • Solange
  • Brenda
  • Clementine
  • Marissa
  • Breanna
  • Jen
  • Sarah
  • Trixi 
  • Lisa
  • Carlie
  • Katie

Fun Names for the Rams

Male sheep can be funny, friendly, bossy or downright bullies. Which name suits your fluffy dude best? We suggest:

  • Aries
  • Pete
  • Rambo
  • Prince Wooliam
  • Doug
  • Samual
  • Maverick
  • Kasey
  • Dave
  • Samuel
  • Buddy
  • Lambert
  • Ace the Chase
  • Brian
  • Dash
  • Finn MacCool 
  • Thor 
  • Vincent
  • Baaaaaa-d Boy Billy
  • Michael
  • Dobby
  • Frank
  • Ewelysses (OK, ewes are female but your ram will never know)
  • Rameses
  • Dave
  • Shamus
  • Murphy

Silly (Almost) Celebrity Names

Feel like adding a little star power to your flock? How about these celebrity-inspired sheep names?

  • Baaaa-rbara Streisand
  • Ed Shear-an
  • Annie Lamb-ox
  • Woolie Nelson
  • Shearlock Holmes
  • Kenny Rogers (The Gambol-er!)
  • Fleece Witherspoon
  • Ewen McGregor
  • Meryl Sheep
  • Lady BaaBaa
  • Anne Hathawool

Just Plain Silly Names for Sheep

No list of outstanding sheep names would be complete without a completely silly list. Here are a few that we love:

  • Cream Puff
  • Q-Tip
  • Cool Whip
  • Wookie
  • Yeti
  • Ram-bunctious
  • Bleat-Box
  • Cotton Candy
  • Ewok
  • Mareep
  • Tribble
  • Skittles
  • Wooly Warrior
  • Lord & Lady Fluffington
  • Grumpy Bear
  • Woolwind
  • Cuddle Bundle
  • Bounder
  • Cutie Pie
  • Wooly Wonka
  • Lamball

Caring for Your New Wooly Friend

Naming your sheep is fun, but it is only the first step toward becoming a sheep parent. Caring for sheep requires love, patience, and dedication. Routine veterinary care is essential for ensuring your fluffy friend's long and healthy life. Our large animal veterinarians at Mountainaire Animal Clinic have experience treating various farm animals, including sheep. Please contact us today to learn more about our services

Whatever the name of your wooly friend, our Rock Springs large animal vets can help your sheep to thrive. Contact Mountainaire Animal Clinic today to book an examination for your fluffy friend.

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